Research Associate Professor
School of Computer Science and Software Engineering
East China Normal University
Email: ab AT where a = xin and b = li
Office: B1104, Science Building
3663 North Zhongshan Road
Shanghai 200062, China
Current Research Interests
- Higher-order model checking and its applications
- Interdisciplinary research in machine learning and theoretical computer science
- Program analysis and verification
Recent Publications
- Zhihao Wang, Honggang Xu, Xin Li*, Yuxin Deng.
Learning Attention-based Translational Knowledge Graph Embedding via Nonlinear Dynamic Mapping.
The 25th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Minding (PAKDD'21).
- Xin Li, Patrick Garty, Yuxin Deng, Hiroyuki Seki.
Reachability of Patterned Conditional Pushdown Systems.
Journal of Computer Science and Technology, Vol.35 No.6, 2020.
- Zhihao Wang, Xin Li*.
Hybrid-TE: Hybrid Translation-based Temporal Knowledge Graph Embedding.
The 31st International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI19).
[author's version]
- Xin Li, Hua Vy Le Thanh, Yuxin Deng, Julian Dolby.
Generating Permission-Based Security Policies.
The 5th International Conference on Dependable Systems and Their Applications (DSA18).
- Yuan Fei, Huibiao Zhu, Xin Li.
Modeling and Verification of NLSR protocol Using UPPAAL.
The 12th International Symposium on Theorectical Aspects of Software Engineering (TASE18).
Xin Li. Reachability Analysis of Conditional Pushdown Systems with Patterns.
Oral presentation at the 2nd National conference on formal methods and applications (FMAC17).
- Xin Li, Naoki Kobayashi.
Equivalence-Based Abstraction Refinement for muHORS Model Checking.
The 14th International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis (ATVA16).
[author's long version with fixes]
- Naoki Kobayashi, Xin Li.
Automata-Based Abstraction Refinement for muHORS Model Checking.
The 30th Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS15).
[author's long version]
- Hua Vy Le Thanh, Xin Li.
An On-The-Fly Algorithm for Conditional Weighted Pushdown Systems.
IPSJ Transactions on Programming, 7(4),1-7, 2014.
- Spring 2020, Data Structures and Algorithms (undergraduates)
- Fall 2018-2020, Design and Analysis of Algorithms (master students)